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Who is the author

Track your income comfortably and conveniently directly from your cell phone

Its story began in 2019, after facing scams in the financial market. Determined to take control of their own investments, they decided to share their knowledge and help others embark on the path to financial success. We have already helped thousands of people to achieve financial independence. We launched free courses and several tools to assist with financial operations.

Valor mínimo para começar é de apenas $50

Who is the author

1. Register with the appropriate personal information.


2. After confirming your email acceptance, log in, read, sign and accept the Terms and Conditions.


3. Then fill in all your personal information and address details correctly.


Note: When submitting your proof of address, please make sure the document is in your name. We accept bank statements, bills or credit card statements, as long as they are presented in full PDF format and not as screenshots.

4. Attach mandatory KYC documents


Note: For the analysis of your documentation to be valid, it is essential that the information is clear and complete. Documents with clippings or omitted parts will not be accepted.

5. Create your portfolio - Select the investment account currency USD. Then choose the option: MT5 USD Forward Contracts.


Following Copy Trade

1. After your account is approved and you have made a deposit of $120.00, log in to your Trader Dashboard and navigate to the left side menu. Select Social Trading --> Browse Signals.


2. Follow the signal from Trader Equipe Brasil.

3. configure the copy parameters:

- Make sure you have enough balance in your trading account to subscribe to a Signal of your choice.

- Select the follower account - the trading account you want to use to subscribe to the Signal.

- Choose the follower type - you can choose to follow the Signal based on a percentage or fixed lots. This is the amount that the system will copy to your account. The amount can be a fixed amount in lots or a percentage of the Signal's trading value.


4. Enter the master password for your trading account. Read the Terms and Conditions carefully, scroll down and if you agree, confirm by accepting all criteria by signing electronically. As a final step, click Submit to subscribe and then navigate to the My Subscriptions tab where you can monitor the Signals and manage your subscriptions.



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Melhor opção: Proporcional por patrimônio

O que deve ser colocado no fator de risco?Se colocar o fator de risco = 1, vai entrar com mesma proporção da conta mãe.

Se quiser ser mais conservador, pode diminuir o fator de risco, colocando 0,5 ou 0,1.

Para entender melhor, pode ler o que está escrito na imagem.

Sobre a opção que tem em baixo "cópia reversa", se ativar essa função, todas as operações que eu entrar com compra, ele vai inverter para venda. E todas que eu vender ele entra com compra. Então, não deve ser marcada. Qualquer dúvida pode chamar nosso suporte.


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